Prioritize your bazillion and one feature requests
Choose Speckled when your plate is overflowing, your engineering team is overwhelmed, and you need a clear path forward that only includes what really matters. Pronto.
"It's in the backlog!""
Now if only you had a dollar every time you said that...
As a PM, you're constantly bombarded with customer feature requests, demands from the marketing and sales teams, "cool" new ideas, bug reports, and the dreaded "the CEO wants this right away" type requests.
Meanwhile, your engineering team is overworked from shipping all those "game changing" features that never quite work out to be so.
Oh, and you still need to hit your own OKRs.
You can't say yes to everything. So, how do you figure out what to work on next? You prioritize.
Introducing Speckled
Painlessly Prioritize Every Request, Idea, and Bug
Not everything can (or should) make it onto your roadmap. Speckled is prioritization software that helps you make sense of what should make the cut and what can wait.
Fun with Frameworks
RICE, DIE, and the Eisenhower Matrix, Oh my! Whichever framework is your fav, you can use it or create it in Speckled.
Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. A method loved by Intercom and product managers everywhere to find meaningful features that are worth building.
Demand, Impact, Effort. A prioritization method made famous by Baremetrics that's an excellent choice for small companies with limited resources.
Eisenhower Matrix
For those more short-term prioritization needs, the eisenhower matrix pits importancy against urgency to find items to do, delegate, schedule, and not
Value Based Decisions
Customer delight. Stakeholder happiness. Retention. Profit. Impact. Sustainability. Growth. Market needs. Competitor squashing. Internal efficiency.
Whatever it is that you value, you can score ideas on it in Speckled.
Custom Evaluation Criteria
No matter what you value at the moment or in the future, you can score your list against it.
Custom Formulas
Tweak, balance, and perfect your prioritization scores with your own custom formulas.
Common Frameworks
Prefer a simple RICE prioritization framework? Speckled includes RICE as an option to prioritize your list with.
Obvious Organization
Spot all the things you'd have to be crazy to NOT work on in the next 90 days. Super fast.
Boards & Tags
Tags, boards, filters, and search help you find what you're looking for fast
In-table Editing
Make adjustments on the fly of all your scores without ever leaving the page.
2-Click Roadmaps
Add your best candidates to your roadmap in two clicks.
Get that list in order
Ready to take back control of your roadmap? Start priortizing today.
Post Prioritization
Done prioritizing? Time to roadmap and spec it.
Once you're done scoring your items, add them to your roadmap and spec 'em out.
Score potential features
Add new features to your prioritization list for analysis through through the app or via CSV. Then score each feature on the things that matter to your organization.
Add the best ones to your roadmap
Add and remove features to your roadmap with the click of a button. When you've perfected it, share it with your team for feedback.
Spec them out
Write PRDs for everything on the roadmap. When you're done, send them to the work management software you use (coming soon).
Still have questions? Read on!
Sure. If you’d like. But...Speckled gives you more info than a spreadsheet can, with intuitive item addition, 2-click roadmap creation, activity tracking, boards, and more.
If you need to add more people to the application, don’t sweat it. There are no additional per user fees with any business or growth plan.
Once your priortize, you can add things to your roadmap and then spec them out to your heart's content.
So honestly, the longer your list, the more time you’ll need. This isn’t a magic solution that automatically knows the context behind each of your ideas, so you’ll need to score each item over time.
But don't fret, because we get the feeling you'll uncover some things you'll be crazy NOT to work on in the next 90 days.
Absolutely, you can import your list from Asana or Trello. If you’re not a user of those tools, we also have a bulk import via CSV option you can use to get everything in all at once. Or you can go one by one if that’s more of your style.
As a PM, whenever a new request came in, I'd get a ping of anxiety. Can we do this? Should we do this? If we do, what gets the bump?
Using a prioritization process helped me get clear on what really mattered to the product and it's users.
Not only did my team understand my decision making rationale better, but I also finally felt in control of the roadmap.